Sponsorship: 海峽兩岸醫藥衛生交流協會急診醫學分會學術年會

Date: 11-13 October 2024

Venue: 江西省吉安市

The College invites applications for the above sponsorship from Fellows and Ordinary Members. You can refer to the website: http://www.acsme.org.cn/ for details.

  1. Quota:   10 Fellows / Ordinary Members
  2. Sponsorship amount: RMB 800(equivalent to 100% Registration Fee)
  3. CMECPD and Training Points: – Pending
  4. Deadline for application:      13 September 2024
  5. Application method: by e-mail to Ms Yvonne WONG at yvonne@hkcem.org.hk or by fax at 2554-2913 with personal particulars completed below.
  6. If the quota is exceeded, there will be a selection process by the College Council to confirm the list of successful applicants. The decision of the College Council will be final.
  7. Successful applicants will be notified through email (with nomination code) no later than 20 September 2024.
  8. Successful applicants will be reimbursed RMB 800 upon submission of a copy of official receipt (together with the proof of the corresponding exchange rate) and a copy of the attendance certificate to our Admin. Manager on, or before 13 November 2024.
  9. Documents for reimbursement will not be accepted after the deadline for reimbursement unless there is prior approval from the Council.
  10. Successful applicants who fail to attend will not be considered for any College sponsorship for 2 years from the closing date of the event.
  11. In case of cancellation, changes in date and/or venue of the sponsored course due to unforeseeable circumstances, the College WILL NOT be held responsible for the registration fee.